
It takes a great deal of work to provide our members with the services we offer. The Board of Directors is a working board, each member serving on at least one committee, typically as its chairperson. Below is a list of the currently active committees and the people in charge.

Annual Meeting and Luncheon

Current President and committee members TBD

BAA Lottery

Steve Viegas

Club Store

Joan Tremberth


Current President, VP, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, John Gibbons, Joan Tremberth, and Jan Holmquist. 

Banner Races


State Banner Races

Fund Drive

Jan Holmquist

Hall of Fame

Phil Pierce and past recipients


Donna Sarasin, Anne Broussard 


Sam Lewbel


Steve Viegas, Zeke Zucker, Jan Holmquist, Tom Wylie, Jerry LeVasseur 

Race Competition

Jerry LeVasseur,  Tom Miller (USATF NE Grand Prix), John Puleo (Boston Marathon), Vicki Miller (Women's Teams)

Race Director of the Year Award

Current president and vice president, 2 past presidents

Race Results

Bill Cotter (Save Your Results)

Joseph Shea Memorial Award

President and prior recipients


David Theoharides -