Race Endorsement Program
Program Goal:
To identify and support in-person Races that promote The New England 65 Plus Club’s (The Club’s) Mission of encouraging older runners to participate in running and walking events.
The Club’s Race Endorsement Requirements:
Race directors must complete the Endorsement Application by providing their race’s basic information and by providing an update each year to be sure that their race information is current.
The Race must have 5-year Age Groups for 65 through at least 90 plus. We encourage races to have 3 deep awards for each Age Group, but it is not a requirement.
The Race must add the “Endorsed by the New England 65 Plus Runners Club” logo on the Race’s website Home Page with a link back to ne65plus.org (https://www.ne65plus.org/home) The Club’s Endorsement Logo will be provided to the race director.
Optional but Highly Recommended (Races that adopt one or more of these Options will receive a higher Status and larger Honorarium from The Club):
Provide discount registration fees for ALL 65+ registrants, suggested minimum of $5 discount per person off the regular registration fee.
Add Age-Graded Awards for Top 3 age-graded male and female times.
Have the Race Course USATF Certified.
What YOUR Race will get:
Race will be listed as an Endorsed Race on The Club’s website.
Race Endorsement Status - Receive an Honorarium is for 1st year and a Renewal Honorarium each subsequent year that the Race continues to offer the endorsement requirements.
Standard Level - $100 Honorarium if the Race meets all of The Club’s Requirements.
Bronze Level -$120 Honorarium if all Requirements are met and has/adds one of the Options (Discounts for 65+ registrants, Age-Graded Awards or Certified Race Course).
Silver Level - $135 Honorarium if all Requirements are met and has/adds two of the Options (Discounts for 65+ registrants, Age-Graded Awards or Certified Race Course).
Gold Level -$150 Honorarium if all Requirements are met plus all Options are part of the race.
Annual Renewals - $50 each year that a races Renews by using the Race Endorsement Application
Race will have use of The Club’s Endorsement Logo to encourage older runners to participate in the race.
Race can use The Club’s Name in promotional materials.
The Club will encourage its 800+ members to participate in Endorsed Races.