Boston Marathon Waivers
Guidelines to enter the 65+ club's Boston Marathon Waivers
1. Must be a member of the club for at least one year.
2. Must have done at least one of the following:
a. Volunteered in any capacity for the club
Annual banquet
Forever Run - submit article(s) or pictures
Served on any committee (see 65+ website)
Be on the Board
Sponsored 1+ new members
b. Attended the Annual Luncheon
c. Assist with updating portions of the website
3. Priority will be given to members who have entered the lottery in the past and not been fortunate enough to be selected.
4. For members who were chosen the last 2 years, priority will be given to others
5. Priority will be given to 80+ members (we will set aside 1 place if needed)
6. Priority will be given to members who attempted to qualify at another marathon but did not meet the qualifying time.
If you are interested in applying to receive a waived application from the club, please email Steve Viegas at Please include details on how you meet the guideline above and please email your application as soon as possible.